I'd like to buy the things I want with a wink and a smile. Sadly, it will not suffice. Knowing my potager (Kitchen Garden) will be quite an expenditure, I decided to figure out what the base cost is. My two gardens are 5x12 feet, and 1 foot deep... (I'm guessing here... which doesn't help matters.) The whole potager is surrounded with 16" square pavers, surrounded by pea gravel to keep everything looking tidy. The pavers are $4.37 each and I need (want) 60 of them. There's a breakdown below, but I'm just going to have a breakdown right now. I have too many projects I'm passionate about (my flower garden, chicken run, potager, garden shed) and no staff... I mean, no money to do them all at 150% at the same time! Potager with NO Bells and Whistles $1,800 Lumber 1,000? Dirt $600? Seeds & starts $200? Potager with SOME Bells and Whistles $1,910 Wood Chips as ground cover $50? 4 24" pavers in center $60? Lumber $1,000 Dirt $600? Seeds & starts $200? Potager with ALL the Bells and Whistles $3,252+ tax and delivery 60 16" pavers $262+tax 24" paver $60? 30 bags? pea gravel $300? OMFG heavy : ( Weed barrier $30 Lumber $2,000 OMG Dirt $600? American Potager has a new book out on kitchen gardens. The book looks beautiful but it received some unfavorable reviews on Amazon. "The design chapter starts off on the wrong foot by discussing a potager garden that was never built. Even worse, it was never built in a large urban space with which few of us will ever have to contend, so I fail to see the point. The second garden design discussed, designed for a small restaurant, also has not been built. The third garden is the author's own, now giving me the uncomfortable feeling that the entire book is a vanity project." Maybe I'll leave the pavers out and just pea gravel around the raised beds... must go think on this. **Two minutes Later** I need to separate my lawn from the garden and I'm thinking Boxwoods will do the trick... but I already have flagstone left over from another project, so that would be easy to use... ponder.
1 Comment
Here's a cute article on creating your very own potager, from CountryLiving.com Potager Garden Definition: (pronunciation: puh ta zhay) a garden that combines both edible and ornamental plants; a vegetable garden that is utilitarian in nature but designed with beauty in mind; much like an English kitchen garden, but often formal and symmetrically designed in the French fashion. And of course the Parisienne Farmgirl has lots to say about the French kitchen garden. She was also a covergirl on Where Women Cook. We seemed to have come full circle!
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