I'd like to buy the things I want with a wink and a smile. Sadly, it will not suffice. Knowing my potager (Kitchen Garden) will be quite an expenditure, I decided to figure out what the base cost is. My two gardens are 5x12 feet, and 1 foot deep... (I'm guessing here... which doesn't help matters.) The whole potager is surrounded with 16" square pavers, surrounded by pea gravel to keep everything looking tidy. The pavers are $4.37 each and I need (want) 60 of them. There's a breakdown below, but I'm just going to have a breakdown right now. I have too many projects I'm passionate about (my flower garden, chicken run, potager, garden shed) and no staff... I mean, no money to do them all at 150% at the same time! Potager with NO Bells and Whistles $1,800 Lumber 1,000? Dirt $600? Seeds & starts $200? Potager with SOME Bells and Whistles $1,910 Wood Chips as ground cover $50? 4 24" pavers in center $60? Lumber $1,000 Dirt $600? Seeds & starts $200? Potager with ALL the Bells and Whistles $3,252+ tax and delivery 60 16" pavers $262+tax 24" paver $60? 30 bags? pea gravel $300? OMFG heavy : ( Weed barrier $30 Lumber $2,000 OMG Dirt $600? American Potager has a new book out on kitchen gardens. The book looks beautiful but it received some unfavorable reviews on Amazon. "The design chapter starts off on the wrong foot by discussing a potager garden that was never built. Even worse, it was never built in a large urban space with which few of us will ever have to contend, so I fail to see the point. The second garden design discussed, designed for a small restaurant, also has not been built. The third garden is the author's own, now giving me the uncomfortable feeling that the entire book is a vanity project." Maybe I'll leave the pavers out and just pea gravel around the raised beds... must go think on this. **Two minutes Later** I need to separate my lawn from the garden and I'm thinking Boxwoods will do the trick... but I already have flagstone left over from another project, so that would be easy to use... ponder.
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